Towards Relational Public Services Conference 2025
£200.00 / unit
Towards Relational Public Services: Cultivating Outcomes Through Engagement, Learning and Systems.
Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th June 2025
This conference seeks to continue to explore the challenges of making Relational Public Services a reality for service users, professionals and academics alike: in an increasingly complex world, how can public services and social interventions create and sustain positive lives for the people and populations they serve? There is increasing pressure for a radical change in the form and function of public administration, management and governance. Genuine social change – to deliver high-level conditions of societal wellbeing like quality-of-life, health, criminal behaviour or educational attainment or responses to climate change or energy shortages – are simply too complex to be delivered by top-down policymaking, target-driven management and contractualism, or more rigorously-evidenced social interventions. Human and relational services are better achieved and value better created by investing in the capability of public service systems and engaging meaningfully with the complexity of people’s lives and the communities they live in.
Link to conference website: Towards Relational Public Services Conference
There is a concessionary rate available at £135 for PhD and VCS. If you think you're eligible, please contact the conference organiser Rob Wilson for a discount code [email protected]
Wednesday 4th June 2025
There will be a social evening at HOME on the evening of the 4th June. Join us for food, drinks and a chance to relax and chat with other conference attendees. Tickets are £40 and include a free drink and hot fork buffet.
Hotel Bookings:
Marketing Manchester Convention Bureau is the official accommodation provider for Towards Relational Public Service Conference. All rooms are held on an on-line system, allowing you to book and secure your own accommodation using either pro-forma invoices or credit/debit card. To book accommodation for this event, please use the following link: Hotel Bookings
Negotiated delegate rates will be available to book until the end of the day on 6th May 2025, so please book as soon as possible to guarantee a room.